May 24, 2024 - May 27th 2024




50 years ago, a group of young men dared to take a road that had not been traveled.  There were other options, but they chose Sigma.  We are here to celebrate THEIR choice AND OURS!

On March 1, 1974, 13 Degrees of Intellectual Blackness, crossed over the burning sands into the brotherhood of Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity Incorporated.  They paved the way for those in attendance, those in other places and those who now inhabit the Omega Chapter.

In this wondrous band of Zeta Kappa, we have renowned artists, college all-America/Hall of Fame and professional Hall of Fame athletes, attorneys, captains of industry, members of the clergy, educators, philanthropists, physicians, scientists and sports executives.  If you look to the left or right, up or down in any endeavor, you will find brothers from Zeta Kappa excelling in it.

The World Famous Zeta Kappa Chapter is 50 years old.  We welcome one and all to a celebration of who we are and what we chose to be – Men of Sigma.

Zeta Kappa 50th Anniversary Sponsorships

Founders Level $2,500.00

  • GOMAB Registration
  • 2 Complimentary Guest Registrations
  • 2 Golf Event Registrations
  • VIP seating and Access at Black/Blue Gala and Comedy Show
  • Customized Phi Beta Sigma Travel Bag
  • Personalized 50th Anniversary Signature Ring
  • Personalized ZK 50th Anniversary Plaque
  • ZK 50th Anniversary Neck Tie
  • Recognition on all Charitable/Scholarship Donations
  • Value above single registration $880

Blue and White Level $1,000.00

  • GOMAB Registration
  • 1 Complimentary Guest Registration
  • 1 Golf Event Registration
  • 50th Anniversary Signature Ring
  • Personalized ZK 50th Anniversary Plaque
  • ZK 50th Anniversary Neck-Tie
  • Value above single registration $445

Sigma Plus Level $500

  • GOMAB registration
  • Personalized ZK 50th Anniversary Plaque
  • ZK 50th Anniversary Neck-Tie
  • Value above single registration $80

GOMAB ZK Level $300.00

  • ZK 50th Anniversary Registration

ZK 50 Reunion Commemorative Booklet Sponsorship Ads

The Zeta Kappa chapter’s 50th Reunion is nearing, promising a memorable gathering filled with brotherhood. To support scholarships, the sickle cell foundation, and chapter needs, we’re creating a commemorative booklet, inviting individuals and businesses to contribute. Check out the Ad Booklet details below, and utilize the attached corporate letter for potential business connections interested in participating.

Click here for ZK Ad Booklet Details

2022 Zeta Kappa Reunion Video